Spanish Culture Incorporate More in Class

Inside: How to incorporate more Spanish culture in every level of Spanish class this school year. Wondering how to dig deeper into teaching Hispanic culture for Hispanic Heritage Month and beyond? Spanish culture through music, films, dance, jokes, routines, and more with diverse representation.

How to incorporate more Culture in your Spanish Class - from Mis Clases Locas

Spanish Culture

As a Spanish teacher, there is so much more than just teaching students to communicate in another language. One of the main ACTFL World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages is CULTURES.

Cultures – Interact with cultural competence and understanding.
Relating Cultural Practices to Perspectives: Learners use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the cultures studied.
Relating Cultural Products to Perspectives: Learners use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the relationship between the products and perspectives of the cultures studied.

ACTFL World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages

How to incorporate more Spanish culture

It does not matter if you are tied to a set textbook or curriculum or if you have complete freedom. Below are five ways to incorporate more Hispanic culture into your classes this school year.

Videos of the Spanish-Speaking World

Spanish Speaking Country videos for Spanish culture from Mis Clases Locas

Students are more visual learners than ever. Grab their attention with short travel videos that show the beauty of the Spanish-speaking world. I created a slideshow that has the country, capital, nationality, two maps, and a travel video for all 22 Spanish-speaking places. Or if you want multiple options for each country, you could get the culture slides bundle.

Use these Spanish culture travel videos as a class routine once per week to start each class or as a brain break. Or assign the whole slideshow as a cultural exploration sub-plan.

Learn more about Teaching Spanish Speaking Countries with travel videos.

*Update – If you want a similar resource to use for your exploratory or ELL classes, I have a new Spanish Speaking Countries Videos in ENGLISH.

Music to teach Spanish culture

Spanish Music videos for Spanish culture from Mis Clases Locas

If you have been around for a while you know that I LOVE incorporating music in Spanish class. From weekly routines like Música miércoles & Baile viernes, to music brackets like mania musical – March Music Madness & Hispanic Heritage Month Music Bracket, music is one of my favorite ways to connect with students about Spanish culture.

How do you go beyond just Pop Latino and dig deeper into Spanish culture through music?

  • Use clean music videos that show positive representations of the Spanish-speaking world to discuss the products, and practices to see, along with diverse perspectives.

Holiday Celebrations in Spanish Class

Spanish Holidays for Spanish culture from Mis Clases Locas

When I was in school, holiday celebrations in Spanish class typically want a day off from Spanish. Crafts, maybe some culture in English, and some stereotypical food are what I remember from “Spanish class fiestas.” While I am all for bringing joy to class, there are much more meaningful ways to learn and celebrate holidays in Spanish class.

One simple change that you can add to your celebration is to read about the holiday in Spanish! Even novice Spanish students can read these simple activities for Day of the Dead, 3 Reyes Magos & Valentine’s Day. See more specific ideas in the holiday blog posts below.

Films to Show Hispanic Culture

Spanish Culture through films from Mis Clases Locas

One of my favorite ways to show authentic Spanish culture is through movies. 15 Appropriate movies for Spanish class details very appropriate films set all over the Spanish-speaking world. You can get resources for most of them in movie guide bundle. Here are a few of my favorite appropriate films for Spanish class sorted by country.

More Culture-Filled Films sorted by themes

Authentic Culture with Jokes & Memes in Spanish

Jokes and Memes in Spanish class from Mis Clases Locas

Everyone loves to laugh. A great short interpretive reading practice can be fun and centered around Spanish Jokes. Culture in bite-sized portions through memes and jokes in Spanish is a great way to bring up diverse perspectives.

Start one day a week with jaja jueves with this slideshow. Or have enough jokes for a whole year with this Spanish joke bundle. Or get the new one year of novice Spanish jokes. Jokes work well as brain breaks as well.

Spanish Culture Through a Weekly Routine

Spanish Bell Ringers for a year 2024 from Mis Clases Locas

It does not matter if you are tied to a strict curriculum or you have more freedom, using culture as a part of your class routines makes it a priority to be incorporated all year long. If you want to incorporate many of the items above, my newest Para Empezar 2024 has enough bell ringers or brain breaks for an entire year. It includes travel videos, jokes, dance, Afro-Latinx music, the newest Hispanic Heritage Month 1 song from each Spanish-speaking country, and more.

Or if you teach younger students, get my new Middle School Spanish Bell Ringers Para Empezar for a year!

Middle School Spanish Bell Ringers for a year from Mis Clases Locas

Spanish Culture Through Diverse Representation

Most importantly when teaching about Hispanic culture, make sure it is done through a social justice lens. Beware of harmful stereotypes or lumping all Latinx people into broad generalizations. Celebrate the beauty of diverse representation all year long.

How to incorporate more Culture in your Spanish Class - from Mis Clases Locas

Spanish Field Trips

Check out Spanish Field Trips for ideas of how to get a ton of culture while both inside & outside of the classroom.

Get Started with Hispanic Culture

I know trying something new can be overwhelming. So, if you want a baby step, pick one of these freebies below to get you started incorporating more Spanish culture into your class this year.

How to incorporate more Spanish Culture from Mis Clases Locas

Let me know if there is any way I can better support you this school year in your Spanish culture journey.

Originally posted by Allison Wienhold 8.22.22 & most recently updated 11.8.24

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