High School Sub Plans for Spanish class

Author – Allison Wienhold

Originally posted on Mis Clases Locas 1.18.16 & most recently updated 4.12.24

Inside: High School Sub plans for Spanish class. Including an editable Google doc Sub Plan template for secondary High School and Middle School teachers. Short term and long term sub plans for Spanish teachers in high school or middle school. Spanish Sub Plans.

Sub Plans for Spanish Class shared by Mis Clases Locas

Spanish Sub Lesson Plans

We can all agree that Spanish sub-plans are the worst. This year more than ever having ready-to-go emergency sub plans and sub plan templates is essential. As always, I am trying to make your life easier. Having an easy Spanish substitute plan template, as well as ideas for 1 day, a few days, and long-term sub plans will do just that.

High School Sub Plan Template

During graduate school, I subbed part-time for three semesters. I was a sub for everything from preschool special education to elementary P.E. to high school. There I learned exactly what I wanted and did not want to leave for substitute teachers in my absence.

My favorite secondary plans were simple, one page, and to the point. They included classes, times, and activities. (You can not believe how many of those biggies get left off!!) This led me to put together my basic Sub Plan Template.

Spanish Sub Plan template

Why keep the Spanish Sub Lesson plan so basic and simple?

First, some teachers go way overboard, leaving 5 pages of sub plans, which a sub never even gets a chance to read. Let’s be honest this year that probably means a teacher from your building covering just one class and arriving at the bell.

Make the job uncomplicated for the sub, so they are willing to come back to your class. Also, it helps if your students are trained on routines, which they continue even in your absence as well. 

**It is important to note, that this is my quick one page at a glance notes to set on the desk for the substitute, along with my full substitute binder. This binder already has class lists for each section, helpful students for each class, daily and emergency procedures, as well as extra forms and emergency plans that can be copied for any class. Spending a little extra time setting up a binder like this will save you SO much time when you feel like death and have no time to do so. It is essential if you will be gone long term. 

Sub plans for Spanish class shared by Mis Clases Locas

How to use the Sub Plan Template for Spanish class

After you download the Google Doc Sub Plan Template, edit it with your current class schedule, classes, instructions, and routines. This way you have your basic plan all ready to go and all you need to do is insert the actual activities of the day. Then rename this “Sub Plan Template – make a copy.” This way you can easily copy your template and never have to start from scratch making emergency plans at 1 am after your kid or you got sick.

Finally, if you are feeling ambitious use some of the activities below to insert exact instructions for emergency sub plans for a day, a few days, or even a few weeks.

Ready to go Sub Plan activities for 1 day of Spanish class

Digital 1 Day Sub Plans for Spanish Class

  • Duolingo – Yep. When I was sick in week 1 at a new school I had a sub plan that was “have students set up a Duolingo account and either take the proficiency test or just start learning.” That was it and students loved it. So remember, it does not always have to be fancy, since simple works too for Sub Plans.

Print 1 Day Sub Plans for Spanish class

*The Find Someone Who would be a great upper-level Spanish activity if it is something you have done before in class. I would not suggest that the 1st time a group ever does this activity it is a sub plan. Yet, it could work with students having previous knowledge of how to interview their classmates and then write about each other. Learn many ways to use a Find Someone Who in this blog post. 

TV Program 1 Day Sub Plans for Spanish class

If you are going to be gone for one day, but want a super easy day for a non Spanish speaking sub, I have you covered. Print a ready-to-go guide for the sub to pass out & all they have to do is press play. The following episode 1 of these shows is each about 30-35 minutes, perfect for a standard class period.

Upper elementary/Middle School/Spanish 1

Upper level High School Spanish 1 Day Sub Plan

Ready to go activities for a few days of Spanish class

Movie Guides

Print or digital movie guides for a variety of cultural themes make perfect sub plans for a few days. This is what I left when I went on my Honeymoon, as well as other multi day planned absences.

I like to have printed movie guides with the DVD sitting next to my sub plan binder on the shelf behind my desk. Then even unplanned, everything can be ready to go. Or you can quickly assign the Google Docs the day off on Google Classroom or your LMS of choice.

You can find all of my movie guides HERE or my movie guide bundle here.

Here are a few of my favorite appropriate films for any level of Spanish class. With a sub, I am more inclined to have students watch films with Spanish audio and English subtitles unless it is a very upper-level class that can handle Spanish with Spanish subtitles (even without the support of the teacher).

Spanish Class Culture Project 

If you need a few day project for literally any level of Spanish class this culture project works as well. I have moved away from assigning projects in most situations due to the amount of class time it uses. But in the situation of an emergency plan for a few work days, it works well.

If possible, it would be nice for the teacher to help set the project expectations, either before being gone, with a quick video, or detailed instructions for students. If needed students could even present via recorded video or Flipgrid for an extended leave.

Ready to go Sub Plans for a few weeks of Spanish class

Digital High-Frequency Verb Units

Any of these included Digital Units were created during virtual learning with the idea that students would be assigned these digital units and complete them with very little teacher assistance.

Keep the comprehensible input flowing with self paced, all digital units. You can modify and take pieces to use to fit your unique situation. This blog post has more information on what is included in the units and how you could use them all online. (Hello quartenteaching)

**Get a free sample of these digital units focusing on present tense SER when you sign up for my newsletter HERE!

To wrap it up, being gone can often be harder than just being at school. Be prepared and get your Sub Plan Template added to your drive. Edit it to fit your classes. Even grab some emergency plans to be ready for anything that this year might throw at you! Abrazos! – Allison

Sub plans for Spanish class shared by Mis Clases Locas

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