Activities for Spanish Class Novels

Inside: 20 Activities for Spanish class novels. Activities for novels can be used with any novel to introduce vocabulary, mix up comprehension questions, order of events, true/false, and retell.

Mix up 20 Activities for any Spanish Book blog post from Mis Clases Locas

20 Activities for Spanish class novels

20 Activities for any Spanish Class Novel from Mis Clases Locas

Based on my survey a lot of Mis Clases Locas readers want even more posts for teaching with novels. If you want to dig in the archives, I have 80 posts with the label novels. I wanted to put together a resource with go-to activities that could be used with any novel and any language.

I always recommend buying a teacher’s guide for a novel, since it saves a tremendous amount of time. Once you have a guide, here are 20 ways you can mix up activities based on resources that are already included. (I only recommend doing a couple of total activities per chapter of a novel). Here are my favorite activities for novels.


Introducing Vocabulary for Spanish Class Novels

Intro Vocab in a Spanish Book blog from Mis Clases Locas


I like to do a lot of vocabulary introductions before even starting the book. Then every couple of chapters I pick from an activity below to introduce a few newer words.



(students need a device)

Blooket is a newer way to use to utilize your Quizlet sets in a competitive way. See this post for more information.


(students need a device)

GimKit is a newer way to utilize your Quizlet sets in a competitive way earning “money.” See this post for more information.

Quizlet Live Relay Race 

(students need a device)

Quizlet Live is always a go-to option for me, but mix it up and get students moving with Quizlet Live Relay Race.


Write vocabulary words on little pieces of paper. (You may also want to list what you are using on the board as well). Divide the class into two teams. Students act out the vocabulary words without talking as their team guesses.


Write vocab words on little pieces of paper. (You may also want to list what you are using on the board as well). Divide the class into two teams. Students draw the vocabulary words on the board without talking as their team guesses.


True/False activities for Spanish class novels

True/False Activities for any novel from Mis Clases Locas


The Marker Game

Have students line up in 2 lines facing each other with a marker or object between each pair. Students grab the object if it is true and leave it if it is false. See the full description and rules in this post about The Marker Game.

Get off the bus

Designate each side of the room as true or false. Students move to that side depending on what they think the statement is. You could also call this move to each side.

1, 2, 3, Salta! - Activities for any novel in Spanish class blog from Mis Clases Locas

1,2, 3 Salta

Students line up & jump to the correct side after you say 1, 2, 3 salta!

Student-Created Quizzes 

Have students create a ten-question true/false quiz over the chapter or story including an answer key. They then give these quizzes out loud to three classmates, scoring them as they go.


Order of Events for Spanish class novels

Order of Events Activities from Mis Clases Locas


Running Dictation

A dictation relay race gets everyone up and moving, as well as can extend into ordering event. Learn more in this post about Running Dictation.

Running Dictation for any novel from Mis Clases Locas


Copy the order of events for a chapter found in a teacher’s guide or just pick 8-10 events to type up large. Copy each set on a different color paper (so sets do not get mixed up), cut them apart and have students work to put them in order. Paper clip together and stick in a sheet protector to use again the next year.

Post It Note Timeline

Post chapter numbers along a wall or board. Give students a post-it note to write the main events and put them up in the order of the book. This could also be done with pictures as well.

Kahoot Jumble

If you want to use tech, use the Jumble feature of Kahoot to put events in order.

Order of Events Activities from Mis Clases Locas

Scrambled Sentences

Students put together the order of the words in a sentence. (Great for practicing word order). Then as an extension, you could put all of the sentences in order.


Character Description or Who Said It?

Character Activities for any novel in Spanish class blog from Mis Clases Locas


4 Corners (with a twist)

Have 4 characters posted around the room. When you read a quote or description, students walk to that corner. Check out 4 Corners with a twist for another way to mix it up.


Read a quote or description and students write the answer on a whiteboard. This can be done in pairs or a team as well as in a competition.

Who am I?

Type up quotes or descriptions, cut them apart, and give each student one. Students walk around reading their quotes, while others guess who they are.



Comprehension Questions activities for novels in Spanish

Mix up Comprehension Questions in a Spanish Book blog from Mis Clases Locas


Posted Questions

As a class – Read and discuss questions as a class with projected questions.

In pairs – students discuss the questions out loud with a partner. (you could also use these ready to Spanish Novel Conversation Cards)

Alone – Students answer the questions and then later discuss with the class or small group.



(students need a device)

Search Kahoot for comprehension questions that you can adapt before you start from scratch.



(students need a device)

You can also create a GimKit with multiple-choice questions. Students can work as a team in class, individually, or even as homework.

What’s my answer?

A twist on finding the question to match the answer.

Mix up Comprehension Questions with thge game Whats my answer in a Spanish Book blog from Mis Clases Locas


Any Novel Question Cards

If you do not have a specific teacher’s guide with specific questions about the novel, use these cards to chat about any novel. You can also get the same Spanish Novel Conversation Cards from my website.  See Spanish Question Cards blog post for many ideas of how to use them.


Retell activities for novels in Spanish class

Retell Activities for any novel from Mis Clases Locas


Musical Chair Retell

Have a blank piece of paper at each desk or table. Students start retelling the story or chapter. Play music as students walk. When the music stops they continue where the first person left off.

Musical Chair Retell Activities for any novel from Mis Clases Locas


2 line retell

Students use a storyboard or Smashdoodle to retell what happened in the story or chapter to their partner across the line. At a bell or change in music, students shift down and repeat.

Yellow Brick Road (Carrie Toth)

Get students up and moving to retell a chapter or story with this activity from Carrie Toth.


Students start retelling the story or chapter on a piece of paper. Students crumple it up and “snowball fight.” When the music stops, they pick up a piece of paper and continue where the first person left off. Repeat a couple of times.

Free Write

If you have 5-10 minutes left at the end of class, have students get out a piece of paper and write down as much as they can remember.

Other Novel resources you may enjoy
Well, now you know some of my favorite activities for novels in Spanish class, chapters, or stories. What would you add?
20 Activities for any Spanish Class Novel from Mis Clases Locas

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