GimKit in Spanish class – Gim Kit

Inside: Gim kit in Spanish class. How to use Gimkit to mix up your class. Gim Kit is an interactive digital game that is low prep, but high engagement, especially at the end of the year. 
Gimkit - a low prep interactive game for any class - Try Gim Kit!
How many of you see a new tech tool in your feed and think, “That looks cool, but I do not have time to try something new right now as I am drowning in many preps, end of the year assessment grading, and trying to simultaneously plan for next year.” Is it just me?! I see all these cool things, but I just DON’T HAVE TIME to waste with a new learning curve for a tech tool that may disappear or add a fee to use it.

**Update Blooket is even better than Gim kit in Spanish class!

If you are active on Spanish teacher social media, there is a high chance you have already heard about Gimkit. This live quiz learning game has been showing up everywhere in my Twitter, Facebook and Instagram feed. Maris Hawkins was the first to share about it on her blog. Check out their posts for the nitty-gritty how-to. I do not want to repeat what they already said, but I wanted all of my readers to know about this perfect activity for the end of the year.

GimKit does NOT require a teacher learning curve. 

We just tried stuff out as a class and I let them choose if they wanted to have a goal amount of money to make or a set time to work with. We experimented and learned as a class together to see what worked best for them.

Gim Kit does NOT require you to create stuff from scratch.

I just search for already made Quizlet sets to match what we are doing. It guides you through the process but basically, you click the 3 dots in a Quizlet set, chose export from the drop-down, copy the text and paste it into GimKit.

Gim Kit lets you sit back and relax

You relax while the students are completing the interactive challenge. And by sit back and relax I mean simultaneously grade or GET STUFF DONE. There is no shame in making sure you do not need to take work home or taking a breather for yourself.

GimKit allows you to introduce or review with a twist

I have used Quizlet sets with vocabulary introduction, who said it character quotes or descriptions, questions about a novel, or a review of the material. Anything that you can put in a Quizlet set, you can use with GimKit.

Gim Kit in Spanish class is new and fresh (well for now:)

Tech tools get boring if students use them in every class. Just like Quizlet Live Relay was cool the first time, if you use something too often it loses its sparkle. My students loved getting to try out something new and even more love the “gambling” of the money. They have figured out you need to spend money to make money in the game. We had a tornado drill interrupt our playing and students came back from the bathroom screaming “we made a million dollars!” If students keep playing something in Spanish while on a “break” I count that as a win.
If you like Gim Kit, you will love Blooket for Spanish class.
Have you tried GimKit? What are your big tips for using Gim KIt with your students?
Gimkit - a low prep interactive game for any class. Try Gim Kit

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