Brandon Brown Chapters 3-5


Reading Robo en la Noche on Superhero Day during Homecoming

If you could have one superpower to use in the classroom, what would it be and how would it help?

If I could have one superpower in the classroom it would be to stop time. I would love to be able to pause a great moment, go back and fix a terrible waste of a class, or have more time in the day. This would help me enjoy the moment, assist in repairing a wasted learning opportunity, or allow me to get everything done in a day that I would like to. 
Since I do NOT have this superpower, I am not going to focus on it but rather try and catch up with my plans for Chapters 3-5 of the TPRS Publishing novel Brandon Brown Quiere un PerroSee my plans for Chapter 1 here & plans for Chapter 2 here.

Chapter 3 – Brandon Brown Quiere un Perro

(After realizing I was going to slow for many of the students with chapters 1 & 2, I can of sped through chapter 3 to see how fast they really wanted to go. I realized it was too quick and that we needed to find a more happy medium.)

  • Pre-Reading Discussion Questions for Chapter 3 found in the TPRS Teachers Guide.
  • I read chapter 3 to the class. Each student had a copy of the novel and followed along. We stopped after each paragraph to discuss, reinforce vocabulary, and check for understanding. 
  • We took a multiple choice quiz to see how much the students understood in one class period. We then went through the quiz to review and check for understanding. There were some who were fine with the rapid pace, but I know that we need to take it slower for most of the class. 

Chapter 4 – Brandon Brown Quiere un Perro

  • I introduced new vocabulary words for the chapter by acting them out, as well as writing them on the board. 
  • As a class, we played charades to practice the new vocabulary words. My small class just took turns acting them out for everyone, and the big class was split into two teams for the game. (Many students commented later that playing charades was their favorite part of the week.)
  • We had fun talking about the sounds animals make using this video and the matching animal and sound activity found in the TPRS Teachers Guide. It was a great Friday activity as the kids were all wound up and thought the ridiculous video was hilarious and used it to check their matching guesses. 

  • I read chapter 4 to the class. Each student had a copy of the novel and followed along. 
  • Students completed 10 reading comprehension questions in Spanish with a partner to both check for understanding, as well as practice writing sentences as their answers, and turned them in on Google Classroom.

Chapter 5 – Brandon Brown Quiere un Perro

  • Pre-Reading Discussion Questions for Chapter 5 are found in the TPRS Teachers Guide.
  • I read chapter 5 to the class. Each student had a copy of the novel and followed along. We stopped after each paragraph to discuss, reinforce vocabulary, and check for understanding. 
  • Students created a 6 box storyboard to review what has happened in the novel so far. They used one box for each chapter, and the extra either to add an additional event from chapter 5, or to predict what would happen next. They were able to draw what had happened, as well as write if they wanted to. They also prepared and practiced how they would present this storyboard to someone else.
  • In the bigger class students got in two lines and presented their storyboard to the person across from them. Every couple of minutes, one line would rotate, giving them each a new partner. This continued until they all had a good understanding of what had happened in the book so far. (The students really liked the repetition of explaining the story, as well as the fact that it was just one on one, and not in front of the whole class.) The small class just each took turns explaining their story board to everyone. 

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