
Quizlet Live Relay Race

Inside: Get your students moving with Quizlet Live relay races in any class. A fun twist on Quizlet Live to get your class moving.

Quick Tip: Quizlet Live Relay Race - shared by Mis Clases Locas

Quizlet Live Relay Race Background 

If you follow me on Instagram @misclaseslocas, you may have seen Quizlet Live relay races on my Insta stories. I have had quite a few people message me with questions, so I figured a blog post was in order.

First of all, I have to give credit to this idea to Ashley aka Srta. Spanish who blogged about variations of Quizlet live. She got the idea from the Quizlet blog, but without her sharing it, I would not have tried it!

Quizlet Live

I think many of you have tried Quizlet live, but if not, read this post from Jen on Secondary Spanish Space. Basically, it turns any Quizlet set into a collaborative team game using any Internet-connected device.

We are one-to-one with Chromebooks, but you could also do this by bringing your own device as well. I love that I can just search Quizlet sets for a book we are reading or any topic we are doing and just pull them up. #confession I have never created one from scratch and always pull from what is already created. #DontReinventTheWheel

Like any new and fun interactive game, almost every teacher in my school is using it now. This means students are over it and it is time for a change. Enter variations of Quizlet live, which lead to the relay race. Also, you know I LOVE to incorporate movement, so this was a win-win.

How to Use Quizlet Live Relay Race

Quizlet Live Relay Set Up

  • Pick the Quizlet set you are going to use and the teacher clicks “Live”
  • Students individually log in to Quizlet like normal. (If students are using phones, they need to change their settings so the phone does not go to sleep)
  • Once groups are created, set specific areas for each group to meet.
  • All students in one group set their devices on a table.
  • The group lines up a few feet away from their devices. (Or if you have limited space all other students turn around or go on the other side of the table if possible).

Quizlet Live Relay Race In Action

  • 1 student comes up to answer the question for the entire group using all 3-4 devices to find the correct answer. (To ease anxiety I allow students to pass if needed).
  • Once they answer the question, they go to the end of the line and wait their turn.
  • This repeats until one team has answered all questions correctly and wins.

Mix Up Quizlet Live Relay Race

  • You can then play again with the same teams if they seem even, shuffle teams and play again with a new group, or go back to class as usual.

How can I use Quizlet Live Relay?

I personally only ever use Quizlet Live for about 10-20 minutes. I want to keep it fresh and leave them wanting more. You can also teach students how to cheer for the team in the target language.

Introduce New Material with Quizlet Live Relay

Quizlet Live works great to introduce vocabulary before starting a chapter. This would be a good way to start class to wake up those morning classes and get the blood pumping while getting practice with new vocabulary. Just search the novel chapter or vocabulary you are covering and I bet someone has already created one.

Time Filler at the End of Class

Do you ever finish a little early? Use those 10-15 extra minutes to review what you have been learning and move around getting out the end of the class wiggles. You can have comprehension questions, who said it quotes, or other Spanish-Spanish matching to avoid just straight translation of discrete vocabulary. Kara Jabobs has a great post, Get more CI out of Quizlet Live which includes showing how to use fill-in-the-blank, question and answer, or other variations to mix it up.

Planned Brain Break with Quizlet Live Relay

You know I love a planned brain break. Use one or two rounds of Quizlet Live Relay to break up your class. Set a timer to see if everyone can get logged in under a minute as a race. (Since we know logging in can be an annoyingly long transition). Get everyone moving and then move on to the next portion of class with renewed energy.

What are other Quizlet Live variations you have tried? Please share!
Quick Tip: Quizlet Live Relay Race
Posted originally on 4.16.18 – updated 1.7.19
If you love Quizlet, make sure to also check out GimKit  & Blooket too!
For more games for Spanish class, read Fun Spanish Classroom Games to Increase Engagement

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