Present Tense in Spanish Class

Inside: Are you struggling to teach the Present tense in Spanish class? Are you wondering how to introduce the present tense in Spanish 1 and review the Present tense in Spanish 2 and beyond? f you are looking for ready-to-go units using the Spanish Super 7 verbs in the present tense and Spanish Sweet 16 verbs this post is for you. Remote learning, distance learning, hybrid, or in person, I have you covered for it all.

Present Tense in Spanish class blog - Super 7 & Sweet 16 shared by Mis Clases Locas

How to Teach the Present Tense in Spanish Class

I know that in most curriculums and textbooks, the first verbs that are introduced in Spanish class are in the present tense. You can see my rough Mis Clases Locas Curriculum for Spanish 1-4 to get a feel of how I have structured my year in the past.

In the blog post High-Frequency Verb Unit to Start Spanish 1 I first introduced my Super 7 Present Tense Unit. I have used variations of this unit for years now to first start Spanish 1 or Exploratory Spanish. The Super 7 unit has become my flagship unit to start any Spanish class with confidence and build classroom community.

If you are remote right now, you might be more interested in How to Start Spanish 1 online with distance learning – high-frequency verb unit for back to school & Distance & Hybrid Super 7 Verb Unit modifications.

Super 7 Present Tense from my shop OR The Original Present Super 7 Unit on TPT

This very popular & original Super 7 present tense 2-week unit is perfect for in-person instruction to introduce or review the Present tense, focusing on the Super 7 verbs. The Super 7 verbs include forms of: es, tiene, le gusta hay, está, va a & quiere. Learn more about how to use units like this in How to use High-Frequency Verb Units.

Digital Super 7 Present Tense in my shop OR The All Digital Super 7 Unit on TPT

Also, this all-digital Super 7 unit is perfect for right now with all of the uncertainty. It was created for distance learning and many teachers have used it for that purpose. It works with digital or paperless instruction to introduce or review the Imperfect tense, focusing on the Super 7 verbs. See the blog post Digital high-frequency verb unit for back to school & Distance & Hybrid Super 7 Verb Unit modifications for more info on how I have personally used this digital Super 7 unit while teaching Hybrid & Block Schedule last year.

Super 7 Find Someone Who Speaking Activity

Additionally, there is an interpersonal speaking and presentational writing activity to review either of the above units. This Super 7 Find Someone Who is perfect to review before an assessment. See the blog post Find Someone Who Spanish Interpersonal Speaking for ways to mix up this activity. If you want to try out a Find Someone Who with just the verb tener, you can get a freebie here.

Super 7 Question Cards Speaking Activity

Also, these Super 7 Question Cards are another perfect to review before an assessment. I have also used these cards as a part of the speaking assessment to support and differentiate. See the blog post – Spanish Question Cards for Interpersonal for ways to mix up this activity.

Google Slides Digital Review Activity

Super 7 present Review Slides

Then, an all-digital Super 7 review activity with 50 Google Slides. This is perfect if you need a more grammar-focused review to go along with your department. They are a perfect digital sub plan or activity for remote learning enrichment as well. Get a freebie with just tener to try out for free here.

The Present Super 7 Bundle in my shop OR Super 7 Bundle on TPT

Super 7 present BLENDED BUNDLE - from Mis Clases Locas

Finally, all of the Present Super 7 activities above are together in this money-saving Super 7 bundle. This is a clear choice right now if you want to be prepared for any teaching situation, with spiral review activities to use all year.

How to Teach the Sweet 16 in Spanish Class

After learning the Super 7, the next logical step is to branch out to the Sweet 16 verbs. All of my Sweet 16 units focus on the 11 verbs that do not overlap with the Super 7. The Sweet 16 units cover multiple forms of the present tense of le da, le dice, hace, puede, pone, sabe, sale, trae, ve, oye & viene.

The Original Present Sweet 16 Unit

Sweet 16 Spanish CI unit from Mis Clases Locas

First, this 2-week unit is perfect for in-person instruction to introduce or review the Present Sweet 16 tense. It covers the verbs: le da, le dice, hace, puede, pone, sabe, sale, trae, ve, oye & viene. This original unit includes differentiation to meet a variety of learners, including guided notes, and special person slideshows to help support both teachers and all students. I have used this as a present tense review in Spanish 2, as well as second semester Spanish 1.

The All Digital Present Sweet 16 Unit

Sweet 16 Digital Unit Spanish Class - shared by Mis Clases Locas

Next, this all-digital Present Sweet 16 unit is perfect for digital or paperless instruction to introduce or review the irregular present tense, focusing on the Sweet verbs. You could assign this virtually to students who are in quarantine or use it as a whole class during remote learning.

Sweet 16 Find Someone Who Speaking Activity

Sweet 16 present Find Someone Who speaking activity from Mis Clases Locas

Also, I have an interpersonal speaking and presentational writing activity to review either of the above units. This Present Sweet 16 Find Someone Who is perfect to review before an assessment. It gets students to speak Spanish, with differentiated support for all learners.

Spanish 16 Bundle in my Shop OR Present Sweet 16 Bundle on TPT

Sweet 16 Hybrid bundle for Spanish class from Mis Clases Locas

Finally, all of my Present Sweet 16 activities above are together in this money-saving Sweet 16 bundle. Get it for the best deal.

More Spanish Present Tense Resources

Also, introduce and recycle the present all year long with routines like future weekend talk using ir + a, or check-ins to talk about feelings. Or use cultural events as fun ways to keep reinforcing the present tense all year long with cultural activities that are attainable using novice present tense Spanish. Here are some present tense activities in chronological order of the year when you could use them.

Present Tense in Spanish Class

The above resources will help you introduce or review the Present Tense in Spanish class, focusing on the Super 7 & Sweet 16 High-Frequency Verbs. Plus, this Present Bundle includes all of my in-person favorites. Or for the best savings, get the Essential Spanish 1 Present tense Bundle in my shop OR the same Present Mega Bundle on TPT. If you are finding yourself suddenly remote or digital and need a review of ser in the present tense, grab this Ser Digital Freebie. The more input you provide, the more naturally students will acquire the present tense in Spanish class.

Present Tense in Spanish class blog - Super 7 & Sweet 16 shared by Mis Clases Locas

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