Take time for YOU this summer!

Inside: Ways for Spanish teachers to take time for themselves this summer. Ways to relax, recharge and be ready for fall. 
Take time for YOU this summer Spanish teachers!
Dear Spanish teachers, 

Let’s normalize teachers taking a summer vacation. Let’s normalize taking school emails off our phones & closing our laptops for extended periods. 

Do we have any idea what this fall will look like? Nope. 

Will stressing and making lesson plans for every single possible situation make you ready for fall? Maybe. 

Will taking a real break and resting make you a better teacher this fall? Absolutely.

For those of you still teaching, you are doing great, and remember your student’s behavior or lack of effort this year does not define you as a teacher.

I have a challenge for those of you on vacation or soon-to-be on summer break. Take time for YOU!

  • Maybe this means you take a month after school to have a break from school stuff. 
  • This might mean you delegate one day per week for school-related stuff & rest the other 6 days. 
  • Or possibly, your time is fun online professional development. (You can find out more info about the summer virtual & in-person PD I will be presenting here.)

I know that it has been a crazy and stressful couple of years, so today I just wanted to give you a few ideas on how to make time for YOU this summer. Remember, I have two young kids, so I get being the mom van transport, but YOU deserve to do something too!


So, here are 3 ways to take time for YOU this summer:

1. Binge-watch Netflix in Spanish 

These are NOT shows for students, but for YOU, for FUN. (Plus the bonus of some authentic language PD). Finally, sit down and watch the shows you have been hearing about. Here are my updated binge-worthy shows for Spanish teachers. FYI, these are shows for adults, most do NOT show to students.

10 New Netflix Shows in Spanish to watch in 2022


Or if you are into something more educational (I know my Netflix taste is a little on the smuttier side;) I have a post with 10 Spanish Documentaries on Disney+. These could be for you, but also used in class someday.

Documentaries on Disney Plus for Spanish class from Mis Clases Locas


Or if you want something family-friendly to watch with your own kids I have a new post with PG Appropriate Spanish Language Movies on Netflix.

Plus my super popular 15 Appropriate Movies in Spanish.

Appropriate Spanish Language Netflix movies shared by Mis Clases Locas


2. Read for fun

Reading has become my getaway from it all. A good book outside might be the only vacation get this summer, so do it as much as you can! If you want to see reviews of recent books I have read for fun, follow along with @allisons.books. (OK I have been slacking on posting but I hope to add more this summer!) Here are a couple of blog posts with book suggestions for you. 



3. Have Ready to Go Plans for Fall

I know some people can’t and won’t think about a fall & next school year. Personally, having ready-to-go possible plans for any situation has always made me feel better. If you want to just enjoy your summer, knowing what will happen will happen, and that you will be ready for it all in novice classes, I have you covered. 

>> NEW Para Empezar 2024 – bell ringers for the school year

>> High Frequency Verbs – Super 7 present Bundle
or the same Super 7 Bundle in my website store

>> High Frequency Verbs – Mega Bundle with all tenses for any situation


It is time for a little celebration! 10 years ago I was brave and started a little blog I randomly called Mis Clases Locas. (There was no Instagram or Facebook page, just Twitter that through #langchat inspired me in the first place). It was close to the end of my 2nd year of teaching & I had a new 4-month-old. 

As I stated in that first post “I was very hesitant to start my own blog, as I did not feel that I had anything as wonderful to contribute. But, I realized how much I had learned from my mistakes, and I hope that someone can learn from them as well. So welcome, and I hope that I can give back a tiny bit to the community that has helped me so much.”

After 10 years, I can say with confidence that I think I have given back more than a tiny bit. That blog has had over 500 posts, filled with resources to save you time. As you look back through my transitions through teaching styles, schools, and developing my own curriculum, I think I have stayed true to my original blog description, learning and growing every day.

You should share too!

So, as the school year wraps up you consider sharing, proposing to present at a conference, or just putting yourself and your ideas out there. Please do it! I have learned so much from reflecting on my imperfect practices & allowing others to refine with me. We all need imperfect and real examples of teachers who are actually in the trenches doing the work.

In the spirit of reflection, I would love to know your thoughts. Do any of you still read blogs? Or do you just follow people on social media &/or read email newsletters? What kinds of posts or resources I have created have been the most helpful? What would you be interested to read about this summer or in the future? Feel free to email me with longer responses if you prefer.

For those of you who are OG readers, thank you for learning and growing with me! 

Take time for YOU this summer!!

I hope to see some of you at Comprehensible Iowa Conference June 7-8!

Spanish teachers, take time for YOU this summer!

Originally posted 5.29.20 by Allison Wienhold & most recently updated 6.5.24

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