Spanish Teacher Appreciation 2024

Inside: Teacher Appreciation Week Spanish class gifts. No prep resources for Spanish class at a steal to plan for a solid next school year. Teacher appreciation in Spanish class.

Spanish Teacher Appreciation shared by Mis Clases Locas

Teacher Appreciation in Spanish Class

 Happy teacher appreciation week! To celebrate YOU, I am joining the site-wide Teachers Pay Teachers Sale on Tuesday and Wednesday, May 7th-8th. Use the code THANKYOU24 for additional savings at checkout on every store, including Mis Clases Locas! Or if you prefer, you can use the same code for 25% off everything in my Mis Clases Locas website store.

If you are in survival mode at this point in the year, do yourself a favor and buy yourself sanity and some time. It is also a great opportunity to get resources on sale to be able to plan during the summer. (This is typically the last site-wide sale until August). I know the decision fatigue is real this time of year, so to help you out, here is what I would put in a school purchase order to start next year with confidence and save your time and sanity.

Looking for cinco de mayo resources right now?

Must Haves Planning for the 2024-2025 School year in Spanish class shared by Mis Clases Locas

Must-Haves for Planning the 24-25 School Year


What we know about next school year is everything will still have to be flexible and fluid. (The worst word ever to describe any situation). A couple of years ago I posted everything digitally on Google Classroom, so any time someone was gone, everything was ready to go. Planning for mostly digital resources, with a mix of In-person activities was the way to go for me. 

Mega Bundle High-Frequency Resources is my number 1 suggested resource. It has every Super 7 & Sweet 16 resource for both digital and paperless instruction. Learn more about how to use these resources in this blog post.  If you are just teaching Spanish 1, the Super 7 present bundle would be perfect. (Or get the sale Present Super 7 bundle in my website store)



Regular routines keep everyone sane and help students know what to expect every day of class. By using editable Google Slides these routines can stay the same in person, hybrid, or virtual if needed. 

Para Empezar 2024  is my number 1 suggestion to keep each day of the school year consistent at every single level you teach. Get students engaged right away with my newest class starters & give yourself the much-needed first 5 minutes for administrative tasks. *Updated you can also get Para Empezar year of bell ringers 2024 in my store as well. 


Solid Back to School

What to do during the first week of Spanish class every year is a mental struggle. I have saved you the mental load with the most popular first-day activities that are engaging and teacher-tested. Back to School Mega Bundle includes solid plans for the first couple of weeks in every level you teach. Or if you just want the first week of school logistics, the original Back to School Bundle gives a solid foundation of proficiency, syllabus, parent newsletter, lesson planning, and more. Or the same 1st Week of Spanish Back to School BUNDLE in my website store.


Schedule Breaks (for yourself!)

If the past few years have taught us anything, it is that we NEED to schedule breaks for our own mental health.  

Movie Guide Bundle will give you appropriate, culture-rich movie guides to fill out at a moment’s notice. Vacation sub plans? Check. Emergency Sub plans? Check. Mama needs a couple of days to grade everything and keep y’all entertained. Check. Or get the same movie guide bundle in my website store

Learn more about the included appropriate films in this blog post.  Plus learn about new Spanish Class Documentaries on Disney Plus. 


Make Time for JOY!

Other teachers have agreed with me that the past few school years did not have the spark of years past. Next school year, let’s try and bring some joy back!

In my experience, joy is usually brought by laughter and music. Here are my favorite bundles of joy.

Must Haves Planning for the 2024-2025 School year in Spanish class shared by Mis Clases Locas

Spanish Teacher Appreciation End of the Year

Teacher appreciation in Spanish class for me means no prep resources. If you are just trying to scrape by until the end, here are a few ideas to get you there.

Must Haves Planning for the 2024-2025 School year in Spanish class shared by Mis Clases Locas

Remember to shop Tuesday and Wednesday. Use the code THANKYOU24 for additional savings at checkout on TPT including Mis Clases Locas or use the same code in the Mis Clases Locas website store. I appreciate you!

Spanish Teacher Appreciation shared by Mis Clases Locas

Try out a week of Bell Ringers for Free!

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