Tumba Chapter 6

Inside: Lesson plans for Tumba chapter 6 in Spanish class. Chapter 6 of the novel Tumba by Mira Canion in Spanish class.

Teaching Tumba Chapter 6 in Spanish Class from Mis Clses Locas

We are continuing with Tumba by Mira Canion in Spanish 1. Previous posts include introducing the novelChapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4 & Chapter 5.

Tumba Chapter 6

Chapter 6 is a quick read that focuses on exploring caves. I took this opportunity to show students some photos of cuevas y cenotes in Mexico. You can find many great pictures with a quick Google image search. We also looked through this website below, with students sharing opinions about which caves they would like to visit and why. 

Cuevas in Tumba

Las 10 cuevas más espectaculares de México – This website has great pictures with descriptions of caves around Mexico. You can project and look at it as a class. Or if students have technology access, they could explore on their own or in pairs. 

un cenote en México – image source

Deporte extremo en México: Cuevas de Tamaulipas – This article in Spanish is about extreme sports in Tamaulipas (the region the book takes place). (We did not end up using it, but I thought I would share as a resource that could be used for an authentic reading). 

Infografía: Las 7 Maravillas Naturales de San Luis Potosí – While from a different area of Mexico, this pretty infographic would be a great way to connect the caves mentioned in the book, to other ecological adventures in Mexico. We talked through it as a class. We used the symbols to say what activities we could do at each place. This would also be great for an environment unit as well. 

link to full infographic

I also have a bunch of brochures from my travels to Mexico that show excursions to cenotes that I let students look through to get an idea of the variety of caves there are to explore in Mexico. I have not been able to explore one yet, but it is on my bucket list! 

Next up Tumba Chapters 7-8.

Plus check out Teaching the novel Tumba year 2 & teaching Tumba in the style of 1 book in 1 week in Spanish class

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Movies to pair with Tumba

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