The Book of Life in Spanish class

Inside: The Book of Life in Spanish class. Free novice Spanish movie guide for The Book of Life or El Libro de la Vida. The Book of Life movie questions for Spanish class. The Book of life Spanish class activities.

Originally posted 4.13.15 by Allison Wienhold – updated 9.12.24

The Book of Life in Spanish class - Free movie guide

The Book of Life in Spanish class

When this post was first published on April 13, 2015, it was in the middle of our Tumba unit in Spanish I. I was planning on watching and discussing the cute animated film El Libro de Vida or The Book of Life in Spanish. It is a fun animated movie that I knew my students would love. I had the chance to take my Spanish club to it the movie theater for a field trip in the fall of 2014. It is full of the culture of the Day of the Dead and Mexico.

Kara Jacobs shared her awesome upper-level guide in Spanish here. Her guide is all in Spanish and would be perfect for an upper-level class.

The Book of Life in Spanish class shared by Mis Clases Locas

The Book of Life Spanish Movie Guide for Novice Spanish

Since I wanted to use this film in Spanish 1, I knew I needed a more simple guide in English. Just like I did with my novice guide for the movie Canela, adapted from Kara, I have made a novice guide for the Book of Life. I shared this novice adaptation with Kara’s permission. Some classes may not need the questions in English to help follow along. But, my particular Spanish I class at the time worked better with something in front of them to keep on task at the end of the school year. 

The Book of Life Movie Questions for Spanish class

My novice guide for The Book of Life with English questions could also be used with the movie as a substitute lesson plan for a non-Spanish speaker. 

In the years that followed this post, I have used my novice guide for The Book of Life many times. It was especially used in my exploratory Spanish classes. This guide was my go-to end-of-quarter activity.

The Book of Life Spanish Class Movie Guide

More Book of Life Spanish Activities for the Movie

**Update – Here is a Character Introduction slideshow for The Book of Life characters created by Sr. Wood & shared with permission.

The Book of Life in Spanish class - Free movie guide

Beyond The Book of Life

Check out the Best Movies to Teach the Day of the Dead.

In the years that followed, I also started using Coco in multiple levels of Spanish. I have a guide for Coco that could work for any level you teach. It is in both Spanish and English.  The Coco guide has character descriptions and matching, versions in Spanish and English, as well as post-viewing questions and matching, which could be used as an assessment. I have used versions of this one guide with every level I taught, Exploratory through Spanish 4. *At the bottom of this post you can get Coco bonus activities too*

The Book of Life in Spanish class - free novice Spanish movie guide 

More resources for the Day of the Dead & Halloween in Spanish Class

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