
100 Awesome Resources for Spanish teachers

This is my 200th blog post!! I have been thinking for a while about how to celebrate this milestone, but can not seem to find the time to do anything as awesome as I did for my 100th post back in February. So instead, I am going to re share 100 resources for world language educators. Please share other great resources in the comments!

Top 10 Music Resources

  1. Billboard Latino – Check out top 100 for new songs for class
  2. Pandora – Stream music based on genre, artist or song 
  3. Batanga – Free Spanish music streaming
  4. Latin Grammy Awards – listen to nominated music by genre
  5. Lyrics Training – Free online cloze activities to practice listening skills for songs in many languages with varying levels of difficulty
  6. Clozeline – Zachary Jones – Cloze activities & questions based on grammar focus
  7. Cancionero – Zachary Jones – Song activities centered around a theme
  8. Entrevista – Zachary Jones  – Interview with musicians (the resources are so awesome it deserved 3 separate mentions!)
  9. Sharon Birch’s Music Pinterest Board & Music Database – she has all the best new music & the database can be sorted to find a song for any need
  10. Baile viernes – my most popular post to date shows you how to incorporate dance in class


10 Resources to Move Beyond the Textbook
  1. Teaching Spanish Thematic & Authentic – Kara Jacobs has entire upper level cultural units full of wonderful authentic resources. 
  2. Teachers Pay Teachers – Buy lessons or whole units while supporting fellow teachers. 
  3. TPRS Publishing – The amazing teachers guides provide a well rounded cultural unit. 
  4. Amy Lenord’s Pinterest Boards  – Every authentic resource you could ever want is neatly categorized on her boards by theme or topic
  5. The Comprehensible Classroom By Martina Bex – The storytelling units are amazing, complete and an affordable way to use comprehensible input lessons. 
  6. Film in the Spanish Classroom – Resources to teach authentic Spanish films.
  7. Film Arobics  – This site provides full movie units for purchase. 
  8. Units for Spanish Class – Zachary Jones is the first place I go for ready to go activities using authentic sources. 
  9. Jefferson County Public Schools – Here are great examples of planning WL curriculum outside of the framework of a textbook. 
  10. Curriculum planning outside the textbook – Before you make the no textbook leap, check out great posts by Musicuentos on the topic. 
5 Twitter Chats
  1. #langchat – WL teachers unite in my favorite PD – Thursday 7-8pm & Saturday 9-10am CST
  2. #spanstuchat – a great opportunity for Spanish students & teacher to practice – 1st & 3rd Tuesday of the month 8-9pm CST
  3. #iaedchat – Iowa (& other!) educators discuss issues important to us – Sunday 8-9pm CST
  4. #tlap – a super fast paced & lively chat about Dave Burgess’Teach Like a Pirate – Monday 8-9pm CST
  5. #ReflectiveTeacher – reflect with other teachers – Tuesday 6-7pm CST

World Language Blogs & Websites

  1. Amy Lenord – Amy the language coach inspires me to be a better teacher & person
  2. Aventuras Nuevas  – Bethanie shares amazing and beautiful resources, including El Internado.
  3. Bryce Hedstrom – A website chock full of resources for TPRS
  4. El Mundo del Birch – Sharon has wonderful resources for music and teaching with novels.
  5. Embedded Reading – Resources and ideas of how to incorporate comprehensible reading in class. 
  6. En français, SVP! – Wendy shares her honest struggles & journey as a young French teacher.
  7. Hearts for Teaching – Laurie shares CI resources like an old friend. 
  8. Kristy Placido – Kristy shares TPRS resources as an expert author.
  9. La Clase de la Senora Dentlinger – I have had the great pleasure to meet this awesome fellow Iowan teacher with inspiring ideas for new units. 
  10. Language Sensei – Even though Colleen teaches Japanese her ideas for communicating in class can easily be applied to any language class. 
  11. Lugar Para Pensar – Andrea has fresh ideas for how to spice up a language class. 
  12. Maris Hawkins – The most frequent WL blog poster always has a great tidbit or idea to share. 
  13. Martina Bex – Martina has all the resources to become a Ci teacher
  14. MJ TPRS – Great resources for a CI teacher
  15. Musicuentos – The archives are like a treasure chest of great ideas that will challenge the way you think & teach. 
  16. My generation of Polyglots – Here is the El Internado holy grail of resources
  17. señorita barragán – Crystal’s post about free reading in class convinced me to start my own class library. 
  18. Somewhere to Share – Carrie Toth has a never ending supply of fun activities to complete with novels. 
  19. Spanish Plans – Lots of resources and ideas for teaching Spanish
  20. Sra Spanglish – Laura is the expert on genius hour and project based learning in WL
  21. Teaching Spanish WIth Comprehensible Input – Cynthia has wonderful reading resources, especially with novels. 
  22. Teaching Spanish Thematic & Authentic – Kara’s resources for her Culture & Civilization class are so great they deserve two spots on this list!
  23. The Creative Language Class  – This is the first language blog I ever followed and my class uses so many of their routines including “La Bienvenida,” “Viernes Chant,” & “Friday Feedback.”
  24. Williamson CI & TPRS – Dustin is another one of my favorite sharers of resources for El Internado.

10 Must Have Apps/Websites

  1. Blog Lovin – This app is the game changer for becoming a regular blog reader.
  2. Twitter  – The PD and resources shared on Twitter is something I wish I would have found sooner.
  3. Pinterest  – Finding authentic resources and new blogs becomes an addiction on Pinterest.
  4. Google Classroom – The organization of classroom has made transitioning to a 1:1 school a breeze. 
  5. YouTube  – I use videos on a daily basis and love my baile viernes playlist.
  6. Kahoot – Create fun online quizzes or search from those that are public
  7. Duolingo – Free online/app practice of many languages. 
  8. Trivia Crack  – Play this fun game in many languages for Choice Homework
  9. Twitter Trends Map – Search through the trends in the country you are studying.
  10. Word Reference – The anti translator, with options and forums.

10 Great Authentic Websites

  1. Es Mas Cine – Videos, news, and photos about movies. 
  2. ESPN Deportes – The perfect #authres to start a sports unit. 
  3. El Corte Inglés – The Target of Spain is perfect for any kids of shopping unit. 
  4. Meme Martes – Authentic memes with accompanying questions, perfect for Choice Real World Homework
  5. Immigrant Archive Project – short videos of real immigrants sharing their story
  6. University of Austin Spanish Proficiency Exercises – Native speaker clips are sorted by theme and task. 
  7. Veinte Mundos – The online articles are on a variety of topics, with activities & videos.
  8. Univisión – The news videos and articles are always changing and current. 
  9. The Bible in Spanish – For those who teach at a private school like me, this is a great Choice Homework option. 
  10. Tú en línea  – Teen magazine with celebrities, gossip, fashion and beauty. 

Where to buy books for a WL classroom library

  1. Books for all Children
  2. Better World Books
  3. Ebay – Here is how I got 240 books for $500
  4. Amazon.es
  5. Reading A-Z

Movies & TV Shows for Spanish Class

  1. El Internado – This is hands down the best engaging authentic listening for Spanish class.
  2. Go! Vive a tu manera cute teen show from Argentina
  3. The Book of Life – A new animated film about the Day of the Dead.
  4. Canela – A cute story of a girl & her grandma in Mexico, perfect for a unit on food. 
  5. Vivo – Cute animated film set in Cuba and Florida
  6. Coco – everyone’s favorite Day of the Dead themes movie
  7. Which Way Home – A documentary about children traveling to the US on cargo trains. See how I used it here as a part of immigration unit. 
  8. Sugar  – A story of a Dominican baseball player who tries to make it big in the US, that goes great with a baseball unit.
  9. Under the Same Moon – Another great film for an immigration unit. 
  10. Selena – A fun movie about Chicano culture. 

Videos & Youtube Channels

  1. Sr. Jordan – great videos for students to watch out of class to explicitly teach & practice grammatical concepts
  2. Video Ele – tons of videos from Spain sorted by topic
  3. Baile viernes – because it is not Friday unless you dance
  4. Había una vez… Youtube channel full of classic stories read in Spanish
  5. Disney ¡Ajá! – Disney video clips in Spanish
  6. Videos – Spanish Class – a collection of my favorite videos for class
  7. No lo tengo – a ridiculous song that for some reason my students adore even two years later
  8. CGI Student Academy Award Gold Medal Winner Short Film HD: “Dia De Los Muertos”  – perfect video to Movie talk Day of the Dead
  9. Waka Waka (Esto es Africa) – The favorite song in Spanish of almost every class is the ultimate video for a sports or World Cup unit. 
  10. Trailers del Super Bowl en español – A great collection of current ads in Spanish

5 Human Resources that Make Me a Better Teacher

  1. Students – It would be pretty boring to teach in an empty room, and my students’ feedback helps to make me a better teacher.
  2. Face to Face Colleagues – Even as a #deptof1 in regards to world languages, these seasoned teachers at lunch can teach you SO much about classroom management by knowing each student individually at school. 
  3. #langchat Online Colleagues – Thank you for allowing me to beg, borrow & steal all of your great ideas, as well as challenge me as a teacher. 
  4. Blog Readers – Thank you for every comment, share, suggestion, or critique. I have come so far in these first 200 posts, and I can not wait to see what is to come!
  5. Family & Friends – Having someone outside of the school bubble helps to keep things in perspective and allows a break away to recharge and come back ready to go for the students.
Please share your favorite resources in the comments!

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