7 Best Resources for El Internado

Author – Allison Wienhold

Originally published June 15, 2014. Most recently updated April 12, 2024

Inside: Resources for El Internado, a Spanish television show high school students and teachers love. Teaching El Internado: Laguna Negra in Spanish class.

7 Best Resources for teaching with El Internado from Mis Clases Locas

El Internado: Lagina Negra, a new obsession

I am sorry for being absent this past week. I spent nap time (AKA my free time) watching the entire season one of the Spanish TV series El Internado: Laguna Negra.

I understand the craze now as I am hooked. I first became interested as I saw many of the Spanish teachers I follow on Twitter talking about using the show in class and watching it for their personal use.

Where to watch El Internado?

I bought the whole series of El Internado on eBay. I bought it to watch myself and to use it in my Spanish III & IV class next year.

*Edit – El Internado was available on Netflix for a few years. That is when many teachers started using the show. Since it left Netflix, El Internado Laguna Negra has been harder to find.

Please know El Internado Los Cumbres is a newer spin-off on Prime video that I would NOT suggest using in class!

Currently, it looks like you can watch El Internado with the Vix premium subscription through Amazon.

El Internado Laguna Negra Resources

As I watched El Internado on my laptop in the summer of 2014, I also took notes. *Note the Region 2 DVDs I bought worked on my laptop, but not in a US DVD player. Plus I have been investigating how other teachers have been utilizing the series El Internado in class.

I thought I would compile the best resources I have found so far. In no particular order here are the seven best resources I have found so far for teaching El Internado. 

Teaching TV Shows in Spanish Class – start here

First, read Teaching TV Shows in Spanish Class & watch the quick YouTube video below. This will give more info about teaching with TV shows in Spanish class.

Best Resources for teaching with El Internado: Laguna Negra

My El Internado Resources Page

I later added this El Internado Resources page on my blog to organize resources by episode. In particular, I later created resources for late season 2-season 4 of El Internado. As there are a ton of resources for season 1, but not much for later seasons.

Mike Peto’s Before starting El Internado: Caperucita Roja

Unfortunately, Mike Peto’s El Internado resources page no longer exists. But, I wanted to make sure to honor Mike’s contribution to teaching me how to use a TV show in Spanish class. His blog had a gold mine of resources for teaching with El Internado, especially for introducing it to novice levels and going very slow. You can still learn a lot about pre-teaching El Internado in this Caperucita blog post.

CEAuthres Internado Resources

This was a later addition to this post with great El Internado season 1 resources from Kara.

Aventuras Nuevas 

Bethany has a great blog post describing the show and how she uses it in class. The best part is the link to the awesome unit about Ratoncito Peréz, which goes perfectly with episode 5 of season 1. 

kplacido El Internado Permission Slip

Kristy was using El Internado way before it suddenly became “cool.” I love the parent permission slip she shares in the comments of this blog post. 

Dustin Williamson’s El Internado Page

Here is another blogger who generously shares his resources for using El Internado in class. They are sorted by episode and include a lot of wonderful reading summaries, as well as a final to use with season 4. 

Langcamp Wiki – Getting Started with El Internado 

This resource was a compilation of El Internado resources. It used to have a lot more. The best part was the Google+ hangouts that summer discussing and sharing how to use the show in class. (Hey remember in 2014 when Google+ hangouts were a thing?! 🙂

7 Best Resources for teaching with El Internado from Mis Clases Locas

Other TV shows for Spanish class you might like

If you like El Interando, I would for sure check out Tierra Incógnita in Spanish class! It is a similar spooky show. But, it is current, on Disney+, and set in Argentina. I did the work for you and made a season 1 guide. Plus grab a freebie of character introduction slides at the bottom of this post.

>> Tierra Incógnita Season 1 Spanish class guide

If you liked El Interando Laguna Negra, you have to check out Tierra Incógnita!

Tierra Incógnita in Spanish class shared by Mis Clases Locas

Other TV Shows for Spanish Class

If you have other resources for El Internado, please share!

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