This year with our switch from trimesters to semesters, I have the opportunity to teach an optional extension to Spanish I. I decided to title the class Culture & Civilization (title from Kara Jacobs) and focus on comprehensible culture. Since it is an optional class, I wanted it to be fun and interesting, while still providing the needed input in Spanish to help these students be better prepared for Spanish II in the fall. I sent out a Google form to those signed up with many culture ideas that we could investigate and learn about as a class, including: lucha libre, bullfighting, medio ambiente, immigration, health, superstitions, biblioburro, native civilizations, la guerra sucia, guachos, yipao parade, fairy tales, geography, la tomatina, geography, culture of piñatas, specific countries of study, music, food, holidays, etc. Their results guided my planning of this class.

Unit 1 – La Guerra Sucia

Unit 2 – Las Fallas

Unit 3 – Semana Santa

Unit 4 – La Tomatina
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Unit 5 – Tumba – novel by Mira Canion

Unit 6 – Bullfighting
Unit 7 – ComidaI have not planned this unit yet, but plan on doing something similar to Kara Jacob’s Gastronomia unit, focusing on the cuisine of a couple Spanish speaking countries. I know I will use many of the awesome Zachary Jones activities such as “¡Qué rico!”. I figure this will be a fun and lighthearted way to end the year. It was their top pick, probably because they have hopes of being able to try food out in class 😉 I would like to include an end of year field trip to a local authentic Mexican restaurant is possible. NEW* – Final – Culture Project