Stations: Medio Ambiente y Costa Rica |
Before reading the novel Robo en la noche by Kristy Placido, I wanted to introduce the environment and Costa Rica. I started using some of this Unit by Kara Jacobs when I taught an environment unit with the book Avancemos 3 (Units 1.1 & 1.2.). I took some of the activities Kara suggested and turned it into exploratory stations activity before beginning the novel. This past year I also added these maps to teach the basic geography of Costa Rica from Elizabeth Dentlinger.
In the past, we completed the stations more traditionally, with areas around the room with specific resources, such as listening videos on a computer, and printed off and laminated realia, that students floated to complete them at their own pace. Below is how I would prepare for the traditional stations without 1:1 technology.
ESCUCHAR – download the videos, or have one listening station with a device and headphones
ESCRIBIR – print or have access to the resources about Costa Rica
HABLAR – print or have access to environment realia slideshow to elicit conversation
GEOGRAFÍA – print out maps for students to fill out & have resources to help label the maps
With 1:1 technology of Chromebooks and Schoology this past year, the document was shared with students electronically. I put all of the links there together, so students could complete at their own pace, or even do it with a sub. This document with everything all put together has some accountability for students to complete tasks and answer some questions along the way. You can download the entire Stations resource here. *Update – You can also get them in my website store! El Medio Ambiente y Costa Rica Spanish Earth Day Stations
I like that this activity allows students to explore some authentic resources for Costa Rica and the environment on their own, and with peers before starting the novel. You can also see my plans for teaching the novel Robo en la noche here or Noche de Oro here. Finally, here are other examples of using stations in Spanish class.