Spanish Classroom Library Tour


Well, there is now one part of my classroom that is (mostly) ready. My favorite part this year is my Spanish classroom library reading corner. I am going to add pillows on the chairs, and hopefully a lamp or plant in the corner. 

**Update to see my finished classroom click here**


To see many of my classroom library recommendations all in one place, you can visit My Amazon Store book list!

Last year my books were just lined up on a shelf. So the part that took the most time was by far was sorting my books mixed with the existing books that were left in my new school (which is an awesome problem to have). As you can see below it got much worse before it got better. 

sorting my classroom library

Organizing a Spanish Classroom Library

As you can see in this post I made book box labels, and then re did them after sorting. I still have one more box that I added at the end that needs a label, plus the stack that has yet to find a category and for now, just chills with the other picture books on shelf one below. I got the little display that I plan on rotating with seasonal or teacher-pick books. 

The shelf of pictures books

I was very lucky to get this extra tall shelf from a generous co-worker. I traded her a podium that I won’t use 🙂 It holds non-fiction books, magazines, and my out-of-control art supply collection (I already had the full tubs on the left, plus the full tubs on the right were left, perk of coming in after a retiring teacher). Now every table can have its own box of coloring tools for making storyboards and such. 

The shelf of nonfiction, magazines & art supplies
The third shelf below has readers and more advanced books, plus the giant bin on fairytales on top. 
leveled readers and more advanced books

How I do FVR in Spanish class

As I have mentioned before I plan on using this library for free choice reading at the beginning of class on Tuesdays & Thursdays for 5-15 minutes depending on the class level. I plan to start free reading 2nd trimester of Spanish 1 for 5 minutes and build in length as the levels progress. There is little accountability since the point is for students to do extensive reading on their own. 


As for implementation, I will try and guide students to books in which they will feel successful. I tell students they can sit anywhere in the room that they are able to focus (hence the comfy reading area for encouragement). I just ask that their eyes stay on the page, and they do not just flip through.

For some classes who are highly distracted, I really encourage them to follow along with their finger. From reading around the web, I personally need to do a better job this year of actually reading myself during this time, so the students see value, and not trying to get something done. 


Do you have a classroom library? Here are some more resources to help you out. 

Tomorrow new (to the district) in-service officially starts, meaning today is my last day of summer. I hope you all have a great back to school!

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