Brandon Brown Quiere un Perro – year 2

Inside: Lesson plans for Brandon Brown Quiere un Perro. Plans for every chapter of Brandon Brown Quiere un Perro in Spanish Class. 

Brandon Brown Quiere un Perro Lesson Plans for every chapter shared by Mis Clases Locas

I was recently asked for an update on how I have been teaching novels. All of my original posts on teaching the novel Brandon Brown Quiere un Perro were written as I was teaching the book for the first time, which was my first novel EVER.

Last year my Spanish 2 started the year reading Brandon Brown, after their first year was based on Avancemos 1. I realized how much storytelling vocabulary they were missing out on, when many of the high-frequency words such as ve and va, were unknown to many students.

Also, last year Spanish 1 read it 2nd quarter. You can purchase the novel here and Teacher’s Guide is now sold through Wayside Publishing.

All Teaching Brandon Brown Quiere un Perro Posts

Teaching Brandon Brown Quiere un Perro

This year Spanish 1 is reading Brandon Brown after completing Units 1-10 of Martina Bex’s Spanish 1 Somos curriculum. It has gone SO much smoother this time around because our whole year has been focused on high-frequency vocabulary and storytelling words. We actually could have done it earlier in the year, because they have been flying through the chapters, they even want to read them on their own. 

Before starting the novel unit, I posted all materials on Schoology in a Brandon Brown folder. This includes a full Slideshow of the whole book with vocab, pre-discussion questions, during discussion questions, and cultural expansion for each chapter.

This has worked well for absent students. They know the expectation if they are gone is to read the next chapter and complete the accompanying activities. This has been a great management technique, as it saves me a lot of time filling in those who are gone. I usually project what we are doing, but students can pull up their own PowerPoint, if they would like to see the questions closer. 

Before starting the novel Brandon Brown

During the novel Brandon Brown

Brandon Brown Sub Plan

Brandon Brown Quiere un Perro Sub Plan shared by Mis Clases Locas

I was absent on the 2nd day of chapter 2. Students were instructed to re-read the chapter, complete the comprehension questions, and prepare scripts in groups to do a reader’s theater presentation when I returned.

I was very pleasantly surprised when a couple of groups filmed themselves in class and posted them to YouTube for our viewing pleasure.

They chose to use ridiculous nonrelated props from our class prop box, but they were still entertaining for us to watch.

This would be a great no-prep sub-plan for a novel – create a script of the most recent chapter, practice, and make a video acting it out. 


This time, I did a better job differentiating between my two classes of Spanish 1. I used to insist that we did the same activities each class, but the personality of each class and time of day made such a difference.

1st hour is always sleepy and needs waking up. They enjoy reading out loud and group work.

While 4th hour is wild and right before lunch. This class loves moving, such as acting out scenes with the audiobook, or with reader’s theater. They like quickly reading on their own, and then doing comprehension Kahoots. Just search “brandon brown” and there are lots of great public Kahoots. 

Read more about Differentiation in Spanish Class

Additions to Brandon Brown

  • Something else I just added this year was a Chapter 9 – Running Dictation. I just typed up 8 main events of the chapter in large print, and posted them around the hallway. See instructions of how to implement it here.
  • To go along with the “Vaya” fun expressions slideshow found in the teacher’s guide, we watched Sr. Wooly’s Sé Chévere video, which they LOVED. I can not wait until we get our subscription to Sr. Wolly Pro for next school year!
  • Check out this post for more ideas of keeping each chapter fresh – Mix it up 20 activities for reading novels in class.
  • Another option we used another year was a Smashdoodle. This is where students creatively draw and write about the book. 

Brandon Brown Quiere un Perro Final Project shared by Mis Clases Locas


After the Novel Brandon Brown 

Brandon Brown Quiere un Perro Final Project shared by Mis Clases Locas


I consider this round a win, considering I had multiple students ask if we get to read another novel!
What other resources do you use to teach Brandon Brown Quiere un Perro?
Brandon Brown Quiere un Perro Lesson Plans for every chapter shared by Mis Clases Locas
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