Here is everything you need to celebrate Valentine’s Day in Spanish class. Día de San Valentín, or Día de Amor y Amistad Bundle could be adapted for Spanish 1, Spanish 2, or Spanish 3. Spanish Valentine’s Day bundle includes a slideshow that could be used as a class starter for 3 weeks, or put together for a couple of days of activities, a Super 7 verbs Valentine Find Someone Who interpersonal activity, plus a short novice reading comprehension activity in Spanish on Valentine’s day.
Valentine’s Day Spanish Class BUNDLE includes the following resources.
Valentine’s Day novice Spanish class plans – San Valentín Infografía and Slides
- ✅ Printable 1 page worksheet with Authentic Interpretive Reading Activity with comprehension questions in English & Discussion Questions in Spanish.
- ✅ Editable Google Slideshow to project directions, discussion questions in Spanish, as well as extension ideas to fill a whole class period.
- ✅ Digital Worksheet option of the Authentic Interpretive Reading for a paperless or virtual class
Valentine’s Day Spanish class Find Someone Who – Interpersonal Speaking
- ✅ Communicative activity to get students talking using personal questions related to Día de San Valentín or Valentine’s Day.
- ✅ Once uses the Super 7 high-frequency verbs in the present tense
- ✅ Printable PDF worksheet
- ✅ Multiple differentiated versions to fit a variety of class needs.
- Interpersonal questions with yo form of the answer provided
- Presentational writing about friends with the support of s/he forms included
- Interpersonal questions – more advanced
- Presentational writing about friends & self with the differentiated support of a word bank
- Presentational writing about friends & self – most advanced
Valentine’s Day Bell Ringers Para Empezar
- ✅ Editable Google Slideshow – 15 Valentine related slides in Spanish
- ✅ 3 weeks of activities, or 15 slides of different activities for each day.
- ✅ Monday – Infographic, Tuesday – Video, Wednesday – Music, Thursday – Joke, Friday – Dance.
- ✅ Could be used together for a couple of days of activities or digital sub plan
**Please note, this is not a complete and sequential unit, but rather all together it contains materials that could fill a few 45 minute class periods.
What other teachers are saying about this Bundle for Valentine’s Day
- ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ These activities including the FSW were really awesome! My students really enjoyed the songs and videos. I used them as bell-ringers or “brain breaks” the week before and week of Valentine’s Day since we’re on a modified block schedule. I could use all of the materials with my HS Spanish 2 and some of them with Spanish 1. I had to give a little bit of vocab support for the Spanish 1 students on the FSW, but they enjoyed it thoroughly. It was great to have interactive and CI based activities in February, which is kind of a boring month otherwise! Muchas gracias! – Cristina C (grades 9-12)
- ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ My students loved the infograph. It was easily accessible for novice learners. Great input! – Jessica S
- ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ My students had fun doing in class Valentine’s Day activities to break up the monotony of High school classes and rhythm. Easy to use and implement with students! – Christina E
ACTFL World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages
- ✅ Interpretive Communication
- ✅ Interpersonal Communication
- ✅ Relating Cultural Practices to Perspectives
- ✅ Relating Cultural Products to Perspectives
- ✅ Acquiring Information and Diverse Perspectives
- ✅ Cultural Comparisons
⭐️ Bundle & save for a discount ⭐️
Purchase the Valentine’s Day Spanish Class BUNDLE to get all of my resources for Valentine’s Day – Para Empezar – Valentine’s Day, Find Someone Who – Valentine’s Day & San Valentín Infografía – Novice Spanish
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- For more information, see this blog post Valentine’s Activities in Spanish
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