Use Authentic Music in Spanish Class – SSS

15 Ways to Use Authentic Music in Spanish Class


As I recently mentioned, I have a new collaborative venture. I have teamed up with nine other Spanish teachers to bring you the Secondary Spanish SpaceWe are a group of Spanish teachers who have come together to share ideas and resources. Today I am sharing 15 ways I incorporate authentic music in my Spanish classes. My post is actually the first ever on the blog as it launches today, so give it some love. 

You all know I have been posting about using authentic music for years, way back to my original ideas of  música miércoles & baile viernes in 2014. 

**If you want the best deal possible on all of Mis Clases Locas music resources all together, check out the Mega Music Bundle

If you would like to follow along on social media, here are the links. 

I will still be blogging here as well, but as you may have noticed I am moving to just about one post per week as I try and figure out this whole balancing life / teaching / 2 kids 2 and under / nursing / blogging / NHS advisor / Camp Adventure / sleep. So, check out Secondary Spanish Space!

More ways to Mix it up with Music

Music Brackets

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