Let it go: Back to school on maternity leave

Back to school on maternity leave

I have recently felt like Elsa from Frozen. My mantra has been “Let it Go.” As most of you know I am due with a baby boy on the first day of school. This makes me 90 (ok 9) months pregnant right now.

We finally have a sub lined up. They  are actually the retired teacher of 30+ years that I replaced last year. This means I know the students will be in more than capable hands while I am gone. But I need to Let. It. Go. 


Let go of control of the classroom

I showed up at school on Monday, the first day we were allowed back in our classrooms, expecting a disaster. Instead found it ready for the first day of school. Yes, this was a nice surprise to not have to find someone to move around the furniture.

But, as a teacher, I have a special kind of satisfaction taking the “before” and “after pictures. I will give credit to the perfectly set up room due to the beautiful diagram I left for our awesome custodians. Plus, my sub, who already came in and got keys and had obviously already been in the room setting up. (The syllabuses I left in my sub binder were already copied and set on the front table ready to pass out).

I walked into “my room” and it did not even feel like mine. Little things were off and there were already things put up on my bulletin boards. (I enjoy decorating bulletin boards). Her name was already posted outside of my room, 3x as big as mine.

I had to keep reminding myself that I would not be the teacher for the first quarter. I need to Let it Go. It was less work for me, I should be grateful. But, it is so hard to let go of the control of every detail. Instead, room set up is one thing off of my checklist that has been taken care of. 

Let go of control of the planning

I wrote this post about planning for maternity leave with my first one. (Which actually has “let go of control” on the list of things to do:) & then Returning to Teaching as a New Mom.

This year my goal before I left for the summer was to have all of my plans done. This meant my sub binder and maternity leave plans, binders, and Google Drive folder were ready to go. It was an amazing feeling leaving for the summer knowing that everything was all ready to go. I did not need to spend my summer stressing about leave. The general plan I left includes the following:

  • Spanish 1 –  Martina Bex’s Somos Curriculum
  • Spanish 2  – Unit with Esperanza & Immigration
  • Spanish 4 – Unit with La Llorona & Sports/Legends + choice book project if needed

It would be amazing if these plans were followed. But I have to accept that the sub taught 30+ years of traditional textbook. When you are a department of one, you are used to being able to control the full curriculum. I have to keep telling myself that I am lucky to have an experienced, Spanish-speaking sub. No, it will not be me and the year will not start out exactly how it would have if I was there. I left my plans, which is all I can do. Time to Let it Go. 

*Update – The textbooks were taken out of storage & that is what they were taught.

Let go of control of the baby

Finally, on a personal note, I need to realize that the baby is in control and there is a plan. This week at 37 weeks he turned breech, and I am scheduled for an ECV (version to try and turn baby head side down) Friday morning. If you are the praying kind I could use any positive thoughts and vibes you could send my way so that he turns and stays down for the duration. 

**Update** Thank you for your thoughts & prayers. Baby boy turned himself around before the appointment. Now he just needs to stay that way!


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