End of year Teacher Confessions

It is that time of the year, the end of the year as a teacher. It is both the best and worst time of the school year all rolled into one. You can see the light at the end of the tunnel, but it is being blocked by the stack of assessments to grade and the mile long to-do list. This includes a whole list of helpful blog topics that I could be writing about, and instead you get to read my end of year confessions. 

End of year Teacher Confessions - Mis Clases Locas

End of year Teacher Confessions

  1. My hair is currently soaking wet in a bun. Tuesday it is was soaking wet in a braid. If I am not going to get up early enough to do my hair, at least I am mixing up my wet hairstyle (and showering).
  2. I specifically saved easier (on me) units for the end of the year. Spanish 1 is currently doing a unit using the film Canela. Thanks to the wonderful resources from Kara Jacobs, Elena Lopez and Amy Zimmer it was a no prep unit. I am so glad I bought it since it is no longer on Netflix. Spanish 2 is doing a Señor Wooly unit with the song Amnesia (which they are obsessed with). At this point in the year the thought of circling and story asking just sounds terribly difficult. 
  3. My eight month old needed to go to the doctor yesterday (ear infection) and I may have volunteered as tribute to stay home pretty quickly. He got extra mommy cuddles and I got a day out the of classroom in the middle of the week. (We will just pretend that I did not have to take an unpaid day since I used all my sick days with maternity leave in the fall). 
  4. I do not know what I am doing with my 7th graders today. I am usually a planner and have everything planned for the week the Friday before. We are in between units and today we will be winging it. 
  5. Instead of planning for the above class, I used my prep to plan for a fun new novel unit I will be teaching next school year. #priorities
  6. My high school student assistants are my lifeline. I honestly do not know what I would do without them. I have not done a single bulletin board myself, barely touched the copier all year, and they have created manipulatives for days. Check out a study hall and see if you can poach any helpers. 
  7. I hoard Kleenex. I think I am currently the only teacher in the building who has Kleenex. This is because I stocked up when there was some in the office, hid it in my cabinet and proudly pull it out in May. 
  8. For the first time ever, I am not giving cumulative finals this year. They are not required with our new principal and we do not even have a finals schedule. Instead we will just be having a regular assessment over the mini units we are on. 
  9. Besides the crock-pot or microwave, I can probably count the number of times I have cooked a full meal for my family this semester on my hands. Those crock pot meals are big too, so they last many days as leftovers. The meal of the week = crock-pot chicken tacos (frozen chicken breasts, can of Rotell, can of beans & taco seasoning). #NotaFoodBlogger This chicken will be used for tacos, nachos, and anything else that takes less than five minutes. 
  10. I am READY for summer vacation. Even though this school year will technically be my shortest to date with starting on maternity leave, days are long when your 8 month old STILL does not sleep through the night.  My pool pass is purchased, my end of the school year massage is booked, my flight to San Diego for a girls weekend is paid for, my two bridesmaid dresses are ready, my boys are pumped for summer adventures, and I am NOT planning on working on school stuff until August. 

If you are looking for more, here is last year’s end of year confessions and all posts with label #confession

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