Inside: Resources for the Best of Iowa #CSCTFL20 presentation (C)I Like to Move it, Move it from Allison Wienhold.

If you are here in Minneapolis for CSCTFL, let’s hang out! Please come and say hi sometime during the conference. I will be presenting on Friday, Session 4, 2:15-3:15pm in Greenway A (S403).
- Deskless FAQ & Expectations
- 10 Ways to Get your Spanish Class Moving
- Dance
- Brain breaks
- Quizlet live relay race
- Running Dictation
- 4 Corners with a Twist
- Speedball
- What’s my Answer?
- Positive Plates
- Find Someone Who
- all posts with the label movement.
For more ideas all in one post, check out 10 Ways to Get your Spanish Class Moving
If you want to hang out, you will find me at the CSCTFL Delegate Assembly as the IWLA President on Thursday afternoon. Besides presenting during session 4, you will find me in acquisition based sessions. I also enjoy attending sessions at Central States presented in Spanish, as well as plan to learn more about intercultural competence. Some of the best parts of conferences are also the couch chats just collaborating, so I look forward to chatting with you over coffee, lunch or other beverages.
Follow along with #CSCTFL20 on Twitter as well!