#IWLA19 – CI Presentations

Inside: #IWLA19 – Session Resources for CI Toolbox and Keep it Novel Presentations.

For those of you attending IWLA in Iowa City, Iowa October 4th-5th. I will be presenting about CI Activities (with mi amiga Sierra Depping) Friday @ 2:50 and on teaching with novels Saturday @ 8am, both in the north room 181.
If you are attending the conference and looking for the presentations, or are not able to attend and are interested, all conference presentations can be found here. Everything is linked in the slideshow as well if you want more details of something mentioned. Below are some key blog posts to check out as well. 
CI Toolbox with Sierra Depping
Friday @ 2:50pm North room 181
Presentation can be found hereBelow are other helpful links for some of the comprehension based resources mentioned. 
Keep it Novel!
Saturday @ 8am North room 181

Presentation can be found hereBelow are other helpful links to use when planning to teach with a novel. 

I look forward to hanging out with everyone at #IWLA19. Make sure to come and introduce yourself if we have not yet met in person, or if you just want to be friends. 🙂  If you can not be there, you can follow the hashtag on Twitter.  

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